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Representation by James Chappell & Marva Rees

Date submitted
12 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Reasons for objecting

  1. There is no NSIP case.

RSP’s proposal depends on its claim that there is substantial unmet demand for dedicated freight aircraft in the SE of the UK. However, their own data shows there is no such unmet demand:

Vol 7 “Manston Airport A Regional and National Asset 2018” (1), page 11, table 2 shows that the NSIP threshold of 10,000 ATM’s will not be achieved until yr 6. Therefore, there is no current shortage of dedicated air freight capacity, otherwise the NSIP threshold would be met in yr 1.

  1. There would be unacceptable impact on the quality of life of people living and working under the flightpath.

RSP has produced a Non-Technical Summary (2) as part of its Consultation documentation. On page 15, bullet point 1.1.82, Rsp says:

“Again in year 20, significant adverse effects have been identified as being likely a result of an increase in noise in the following communities which are in the vicinity of the airport and flight paths: Ramsgate; Manston; Wade; West Stourmouth; and Pegwell Bay.”

And, in bullet point 1.1.83:

“In these communities aircraft noise would increase to the point where there would be a perceived change in quality of life for occupants of buildings in these communities or a perceived change in the acoustic character of shared open spaces within these communities.”

  1. I volunteer in a local primary school, working with Year 6 children. Their classroom is a port-a-cabin type building, with single glazed windows. When aircraft flew over, teaching and learning stopped. Normal playground conversation ceased. In summer time, with open windows, it was a nightmare. The negative impact of aviation noise on children’s development is well documented (3)

  2. There is an overwhelming demand for housing in Thanet. The current owners (Stone Hill Park)(4) have plans for these much needed homes, and other amenities including business, industry and leisure. Stone Hill Park’s scheme will offer the same job opportunities and economic benefits to Thanet that RSP offer, plus much needed housing, much needed leisure and sports facilities, without the blight of a cargo hub.

References: (1) RSP Vol 07 “Manston Airport A Regional And National Asset 2018” (2) RSP Vol 03 “Non-Technical Summary PIER 2018” (3) The Munich Airport Noise Study – “Effects of Chronic Aircraft Noise on Children’s Perception and Cognition” S. Hygge, G.W. Evans, M. Bullinger [All accessed September 2018]