Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Diane Campbell

Date submitted
12 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in Thanet for 29 years and like it here. the airport noise never bothered me and I have flown from Manston twice as had family in Scotland and the north west. It was so much easier for them to visit me here by plane too. Now they are getting older, train is so much more difficult for them. I live nearer to the Manston now but it would not bother me if it re opened as an airport again. It was there before I was and hopefully long after I am gone too. If it is successful, then maybe other firms like KLM would come back and support Manston as an airport again. We need jobs in Thanet and more investment from business outside of Thanet. Whilst it stays derelict and the way it is, who wants to invest here. We do not need the houses that people from Thanet cannot afford and maybe only people from London can, pushing the prices up yet again for the locals. We don't have the resources for more schools. It's hard enough getting staff for the services we have around herefor our schools, GP surgeries and we certainly don't have the infrastructure around here to support more housing. Yes we may need better infrastructure around the airport, but with jobs and investment, that would come. Our NHS is at crisis point and they are talking about closing services at the QEQM and transferring them to Ashford or Canterbury. Even a super hospital to serve all. Well if we get the amount of housing that has been talked about and the people, then our health services around Thanet would collapse, they wouldn't be able to cope. What a waste it would be to see Manston not be developed as an airport. We have enough building happening in Britain and soon there won't be anywhere left for people to take their children, walk the dogs if they keep building houses and other sites we don't need or really want. For once listen to the people of Thanet and what they really want.