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Representation by Roger Mellor

Date submitted
12 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The most frequently used flight path for aircraft landing at and taking off from Manston Airport passes at a very low level over the central area of Ramsgate. During past use of the airport this traffic was relatively infrequent and, apart from minor noise pollution, had little impact on the town.

However the heavy industrial aviation use proposed within the planning application would have a very detrimental impact on residents, businesses, infrastructure and environment:-

Ramsgate is essentially a residential/tourist town - who will want to stay here if we have noise and visual pollution and perceived health risks from low flying heavy aircraft 24 hours a day?

Businesses in Ramsgate for the most part directly serve residents and tourists - fewer people/tourists means less business. Tourists do not come to Ramsgate to watch the aeroplanes.

The local road and rail infrastructure is not suited to service an aviation cargo hub.

Our local environment will not benefit from the waste spewing from heavy cargo aircraft.