Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Geoffrey Michael Orton

Date submitted
12 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1 Kent County Council's 'Growth Without Gridlock' strategy reasonably identified the Airport as the prime 'regenerator' for East Kent and it is difficult to see how a Local Plan can proceed until this issue is resolved - in whatever direction. Developing Ramsgate Port is more problematic and may have a longer time-frame - 'creative industries' are too 'select' and too minor. Hotels and theme parks aren't notoriously well paid.

2 As [Redacted] MP RTPI put to the then Minister for Housing : you can't identify housing needs until you have formulated appropriate economic strategy and Thanet is hampered by perceptions of low skills and low wages so there's a lack of serious investment interest in promoting non-seasonal 'serious ' employment. (The House of Lords has already received submissions to this effect regarding seaside regeneration problems - see their committee Call for Evidence sessions currently in train.)

3 Apart from the potential to alleviate air traffic pressures in the South East the Airport does provide an opportunity to train and retrain the workforce - the Inspectorate will be familiar with dire warnings from both the Bank of England (50%) and Centre for Cities (30% for 'left behind' localities) resulting from 'digitalisation' (which the UK has scarcely begun to make adjustments for). Even with an Airport Thanet will be hard put to replace 'technological loss and the Resolution Foundation picked out 3 prime sectors as most at risk - Retail, Public and Care which are the backbone of local employment.

4 The Airport represents the best hope for East Kent if it is to retain its best and brightest rather than continue to lose them - and close working with and development of local educational establishments is vital. Upskilling will gradually attract the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' cluster of entrepreneurs. If it has identified a cargo niche then well and good - the previous administration's input appeared 'unbalanced'.