Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Lawrence Norton

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have seen no evidence to convince myself that a freight hub is required in this area or would be successful, all the numbers seem to be generated with no proof or evidence of this being required. Looking back at previous running of the airport as a cargo or passenger services would immediately show anyone that this airport cannot and will never be successful, these are actual facts and evidence to show it is not viable. Also Manston never generated a large number of jobs and I fail to see evidence to show why the number of jobs documented would come from and if these jobs are actually on the Manston site or does this include jobs from contracting or freight jobs etc. eg. jobs not actually permanently on the Site or in the buildings?

The documented information on noise and pollution and number of flights is of great concern. To allow so many possible night flights is alarming, then to say they don't want night flights is very confusing, their position is very unclear. The noise levels expected are making too many assumptions not using actual evidence to show the true impact eg. worse case scenario. The closeness to Ramsgate and the number of schools affected means that so many people will be affected by this, presumably mostly during night flights when most cargo hubs operate, even London Airports have more restrictions in place than what is being put forward here.

A Big concern would be over the pollution and environmental impact this would have on the area. At a time we are trying to reduce emissions and improve air quality, this would have a disastrous effect. To say new planes are more efficient and quieter is not applicable as cargo planes will mostly be older anyway. This would create a significant reduction in everybody's health especially to the health of my children, this will create long term damage from air pollution. Not only pollution from the air of course but the influx of freight transport too and the traffic this will create. Also the current road access seems ill equipped for the levels of traffic expected. Lets not forget impact on wildlife especially at Pegwell Bay which has various Rare Wild Birds and is a protected area, this will no doubt affect this area greatly, also present a risk of bird strikes.

The impact this will have on tourism will be huge, who will want to visit this area when the roads are clogged up, air pollution making it an unhealthy place to visit, and film crews unable to film due to constant flight noise. I also believe the are was promoted to be good for commuting to London, encouraging people to move down to this quiet area by the sea away from the noise and pollution in the City, it will be hard to sell this area as a place to live or visit.

I am 36 and have lived in Ramsgate all this time including under the flight path when it was an RAF site and also as an Airport, I have 2 children aged 10 and 7 and I enjoy running and cycling around Thanet. This will affect my family greatly.