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Representation by Bowen Court Residents, Ramsgate

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As residents of Ramsgate who live under the flightpath, close to the end of the runway of Manston Airport, we are well aware of the significant noise disruption and nuisance large aircraft cause particularly during landing. We experienced this when only a few aircraft per day were landing and taking off so the prospect of older version, noisy, cargo aircraft flights 24/7 is totally unacceptable to residents here. Many residents here are of mature age and are vulnerable to stress which could have significant health implications. They will not have the means to re-locate, will the government assist with this? There is also strong evidence that such stress affects our children's education and we have several schools under or close to the flightpath.

Since the economic viability of Manston as a cargo hub has not been demonstrated on previous occasions we do not see how it can be now unless flights are virtually non-stop and 24/7. It is well established that the majority of UK airfreight travels in passenger planes to the existing major hubs close to motorways. We believe that there can be no justification of Manston on the basis of "National Need". Thanet is on a peninsular with limited dual carriageway let alone motorways - what infrastructure improvements are included with this project to convey all the projected freight arriving and departing day and night?

Furthermore, Ramsgate is only just recovering as a tourist destination and is dependant on tourism. The open-air cafe businesses at the harbour front including the new Weatherspoons will be totally ruined by this disruption. Even the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum at the end of the runway will be drastically affected. The Battle of Britain is surely the only true historical justification for retaining the airport!

Many of us love Manston Airport, yes we would love it retained for helicopter, light aircraft and gliding which is much more akin to its history.

There is not a "National need" for a cargo hub - this will be a national disgrace and an economic fiasco which will only be demonstrated after the event and after local businesses and residents have suffered. We implore the Planning Inspectorate not to approve this DCO.