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Representation by Marianne Dissard

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live onboard a boat in the Ramsgate harbour. I've had first-hand experience with loud motors within ear range of the Marina dwellings (scooters, motorbikes, cars, not to mention trucks that had 'lost' their way to the Port and were using Military Road - a highly pedestrian thoroughfare with kids and wheelchairs users!) so I am really NOT in favor of night flights or of anything for that matter that would make the Ramsgate marina any less hospitable to live-aboards such as myself who pay council taxes and hope to see this historic, unique and very precious historical harbour neglected. There is so much potential for tourism from both the UK and abroad in a well-cared for harbour. These flights will be a much, much bigger threat and constant worry to us folks in the Marina and to our boats than the dear seagulls we like to complain of at times for their small voices. Seriously.