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Representation by Andrew Hodder

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am catergorically against the DCO for several reasons:

  • The Airport has never been financially viable, due to location.
  • if the airport reopens it will mean mass housing developments in the area in unsuitable locations without improvements to appropriate infrastructure, such as Drs, schools etc.
  • the applicant has not provided any evidence to the locals about how it is going to be funded, the types of jobs proposed or who will operate the airport.
  • the project cannot be classified as nationally significant as it’s going to be a cargo hub in the futherst corner of Kent, propsing more freight aircraft movements than most of the rest of the UK put together.
  • if application is successful but airport consequently fails, as is possible, the land will likely be left to rot or developed into mass housing that is not required.
  • my house is approx 500ft under the flight path and the applicant has applied for night flight quotas but have denied ever permitting night flights.