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Representation by Jennifer Rath

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

NOISE and POLLUTION, LOSS OF INVESTMENT, DAMAGE TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL IN THIS AREA..... The noise was so loud and the plane making it was so low that I instinctively ducked down. I was unprepared for the noise and sight of a heavy plane just above my head. All conversation had to stop. I was on my first visit to Ramsgate and so I discovered that there was an airport which was directly adjacent to the town. This means that all planes coming to land have to barely skim the roof tops. The existing airport had only Occasional, Daytime flights so I decided to move here anyway. In the remaining years until the airport closure I got used to Not hearing conversations, the radio, the birdsong [and seagulls can be loud...] or Anything in fact, for the time it took for the plane to approach and go overhead. There were about 3 flights a day then, sometimes none and never at night. As someone who lives in this town, I object to the idea that it is acceptable for this noise to happen frequently, day and night with the inevitable pollution and loss of quality of life for the whole area as well as the loss of future investment in the area. I have seen the improvements that the influx of new homeowners and businesses have brought to the towns of Thanet since I moved to Ramsgate in 2010 - but who would willingly come and live in such a place if RSP plans are granted?