Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Yvonne Wills

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Manston was/is/and would be a Vital transport hub to the Eu and beyond. It is narrow minded and would be false economics if the future to get rid of Manston. Security of the Nation and Northern hemisphere could and would be put at disastrous risk, if this asset was closed we need extra run way space if and when our forces are called upon to defend the country. Our local economy needs Manston, jobs would flourish now and in the future, jobs and apprenticeships are our future for our children & grandchildren- we are suffering now a brain drain as colleges and uni's have no positions to offer locally, thus everyone moves away. This causes a vacuum no job's not even for the unskilled who support a growing work force. No jobs economy can not grow.This will put Thanet into even more poverty costing which ever government is running the country. We need social houses i.e. old council houses not more private boxes, which then attracts more out siders pushing up house prices. There are not enough jobs, doctors, dentists in the area now. It is very easy to say oh but houses will bring jobs NO IT WILL NOT only a short fix. More houses mean more cars and congestion ,so how on earth doe that help out Carbone foot print.

It is no different that Thanet council's in 60's 70' & 80's closing down hotels and converting them into dwellings, and now they are moaning because there are not enough hotels to expand our desperately needed tourism.

The present owner of Manston has not a concern or compassion for the area - a quick buck. The train link that was planned was an excellent idea, get some of the lorries etc of the roads- thus the government would not need to spend so much on continually repair roads.

We have lost every asset in Thanet over the last 30 years and it has become a haven for lego housing estates- please think outside the box Let the airport flourish again, let my grand children have a future here. There is enough room at Manston to be able to build houses for the workers at the air port as well. Take a leaf out of the Originally Cadbury company they Built house for the works and they grew to great heights.