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Representation by Martin Hudson

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the RSP’s application for DCO on the Basis that it is not in the national interest to have a cargo hub on a remote patch in far East Kent. There is far more capacity at other airports that are more central to both south and north England.

The local residents need housing not a cargo hub. The local area is vastly populated so close to the airport runway that it is a high risk to local residents both with the noise pollution and the proximity of low-flying aircraft on the approach to the runway. Let alone allowing a airplane breakers yard where craft at the end of their useful life are flown in for breakage. This is high risk as many a company may risk safety by not investing in planes for their last voyage.

Research audits have proven that there is no viable future for any commercial type of airport at this location.