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Representation by Mr Geoff Booth

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose this DCO as it is not in the national interest and is flawed

In the interest of brevity I will only write about two facets of the arguments put forward by RSP.

“Night flights will be kept to a minimum” they say. This is a meaningless and casuist statement at best. The customers will dictate when they buy flight time. The industry that produces perishable food stuffs and cut flowers uses the day time hours to harvest their produce. The night time is ‘dead’ time to them, so best used for transporting the goods.

The promise of jobs is a false one. I have lived on and off in Ramsgate since 1963 and if any real jobs were created they were in the dozens, and up till recently were generally low grade, zero hours and on call 24/7