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Representation by Laurie Hudson

Date submitted
13 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I did not agree that the RSP application is in the national interest.

I do not believe it is in the local interest residence in Thanet or north-east Kent either.

The site is too remote to be commercially viable financially for cargo operators or commercial passenger flights. Audits and reports already completed by Thanet District Council already proved that this is not a viable airport on any level. History has also proved this with the loss to shareholders when the airport was run by Wiggins (including myself) and eventually its final closure in 2014.

The jobs will be no different to those previous. Mainly Part time, zero hours contracts, minimum wage, which offer no stability to the local economy. My husband used to work for the last operators under zero hours. It was not enough to pay the mortgage each month.

The job numbers mentioned by RSP are not substantiated but appear to to pie in the sky figures to lure support rather than give specific details. Are they counting associated jobs outside of the UK?

We have a thriving tourism industry in Thanet which is on the up. To grant a DCO at the old Manston site will destroy that and the economical growth that has come with it.

The noisy planes indicated in the application (that are banned from Heathrow) will result in noise pollution day and night and blight the lives of thousands of residents in east Kent.

The world heath organisation and nhs England point to cardiaovascular risks associated with living near airports.

Also the impact of additional freight on the connecting roads to the capital (Dartford tunnel) does not seem to be addressed or factored into this application. It’s a nightmare commuting along that route already (I travel between Thanet and maidstone often hitting congestion already).

Kent wide blight would ensue in my opinion, if this DCO is granted. It is not in the national interest