Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by K Doulton

Date submitted
14 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Manston should remain as an operational airport. We are constantly being told that new runways are required yet we have one of the most famous and historical right here lying empty. The only objectors are those that purchased houses in the vicinity yet they chose to buy next to an airport.

We have lost our heritage, our jobs and possibly the beauty of living so close to both the seaside and countryside if the site is allowed to be used for additional housing. We have too many run down and empty properties in this area, congested road, failing high streets and strain on local services especially the QEQM hospital without becoming as densely populated as Canterbury.

I choose to live in Thanet as I enjoy the surrounding fields, beaches, wildlife and quiet pace and can still escape the mass of grockles descending into Margate during the summer months. It is bad enough that every beach in Thanet been blemished by wind turbines to mar the natural beauty without adding more brick and concrete filled with the overflow from over populated cities when there are already plenty of houses/flats empty since the victorian heyday which could be brought back into use creating just as many job opportunities for local tradesmen instead of large construction companies who can then sustain the area.

I want to see a balance between the endless possibilities the area has to offer and the plague of mankind's greed and shortsightedness. If Manston does end up as a parking lot for our overpopulation instead of serving local needs then I will be looking to emigrate to another country that is underdeveloped and will retain its natural beauty and heritage by learning from the mistakes of England. Kent is supposed to be the garden of England not the dumping and breeding ground for pestilence. Thanet was literally named because it was the isle of the dead (thane) and losing Manston will bring it round full circle and kill what little appeal it holds for tourism and farming and even the DFLs will vacate leaving it quite literally dead.