Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mark Huttley

Date submitted
14 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am for the reopening of Manston Airport as an airport/freight hub. This country is chronically short of freight hub space and there is talk of expanding Heathrow etc when there is already a fully operational airport at Manston! The alternative to the proposal for a freight hub (which will bring a lot of employment to the area where unemployment is rife), is to build 4500 houses on the site, bringing more people to an area where there are no jobs, how does that make any economic sense? The pollution won't be anywhere near as much as the scaremongering anti-airport brigade would have people believe neither will the night time flight issue.
By building the freight hub (and improving rail links at the same time), Thanet could be rejuvenated rather than having more houses, more unemployment and more traffic from what would likely be 9000 extra cars on the road. Not to mention the added drain 4500 homes would have on schools, Doctors (and The QEQM Hospital that is already struggling) as well as Kent Police who I know for a fact are already falling under the weight of calls made to them. So, yes, I am for the re-opening of Manston as an airport that could one support passenger travel as well freight.