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Representation by Terence Coleman

Date submitted
15 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Manston never has and never will be a commercial success. Many have tried and inflicted misery on the local population with their noise and pollution. The most recent being the mighty Dutch national airline KLM, and they quickly realised that Manston has no place in the modern aviation field. Its too far away from where the passengers are, there is not enough local "catchment" and freight hauliers dont need too add at least 4 hours of their trucks trundling along the already crowded south east roads. Freight needs to be landed somewhere near to the distribution areas not at a remote site. When the RAF left it was a blessed relief from the noise, although to be fair they rarely had night flights apart from emergencies. It seems that those with the loudest voices for keeping Manston as an airport have a sentimental attachment to it rather than a grip on reality. Also it seems that most of them do not live in the affected area and have no real idea of the impact that it used to have and if RSP get their way will start all over again Which brings me to the point , who actually owns the site. As far as I`m aware the previous owner refused to sell to RSP ! Giving RSP permission to go ahead would be like saying a complete stranger can build and run a business from your house without your consent . We need housing in this area not anther white elephant commercial development with absolutely fictional employment forecasts, that will mean yet more valuable and much needed farm land being built on instead.