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Representation by Chris Mullin

Date submitted
16 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To whom it may concern, I am a resident in Ramsgate that lives in the flight path of the airport with my young family. The proposal to reopen the airport at Manston as a cargo hub is something that I strongly disagree with because:

  1. The impact of noisy freight cargo aircraft flying 24/7 above my house will affect our quality of life and have a detrimental impact on my childrens wellbeing, sleep, education and the high levels of pollution that these type of aircraft produce.
  2. The airport has repeatedly failed and has required bailouts from the local tax payer to save the local council (TDC) poor decision making. (Current issues with Ramsgate Port should also be investigated).
  3. RSP have not made any contact to listen to my views and we have received no correspondence from them through this whole process, I have not been ableto air my views directly to them. I have further views about some of the detail of the proposal by RSP, especially the assessment reports by RSP which appear confused, and obfuscate information, making them difficult to understand for local residents to comprehend. Thank you for the opportunity to have an opinion