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Representation by David Neiles

Date submitted
16 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live right on the flight path, my wife is retired and I'm coming up for retirement, we have an extended family with children, gran children and great grand children, all of which live in Ramsgate, the last thing I want for my family is noisy, smelly and pollutants from opening up Manston as a freight airport with night flights which by fact has never been a success. It is said there will be thousands of jobs, that is rubbish unless making say buttons in Philippines for the pilots uniforms is taken into account. The whole idea of opening up Manston as a freight airport is so ridiculous as it dose not stack up which history has proved, the last time the airport was open to both freight and passenger services it employed 140 workers from the local area and some of those jobs were part time, another fact. Noise, I work in London and one of the planning conditions in all areas of London is working hours which are very robust 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday and from 8am - 13.00 on Saturday, it states no work out side of these hours so that the community does not have to put up with noise pollution and yet what is proposed goes totally against this, planning conditions are law and supported by the government so I cant see how permission can be given to Manston as a freight airport with night flights. My gran children and great gran children go to local schools, the noisy aircraft will disrupt their learning and have a detrimental effect on their education and lives which is totally unacceptable. Their are no advantages to opening up the airport so it should never happen. Manston airport should be developed into a residential area which lets face it this is Government legislation states it is to provide more homes, this will provide roofs over peoples heads, there will be the supporting services, shops, health center, better infrastructure, schools, green areas etc etc all of which will provide permanent jobs for peoples life times, all of which are pluses for the area and the local people. Its a no brainier, Manston has to be developed into a residential area.