Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Pamela Bleazard

Date submitted
17 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

[Redacted] I strongly oppose the proposal to turn Manston into a cargo airport for the following reasons:

  1. It is not in line with national policy and the case put forward by RSP is unsatisfactory, lacking clear evidence and a credible business plan. There is no need for growth in air freight, instead land is needed for housing in Thanet. Independent and expert opinions have challenged the RSP proposals and found them “deeply flawed”.
  2. 3 past attempts to run Manston as a cargo airport have ended in failure. There is no strong evidence that a cargo airport is needed here. Capacity exists at other UK airports and companies operating in Europe see air freight as more costly than lorry transport.
  3. Serious concerns about RSP’s ability to fund the project. A huge investment would be needed to set up the cargo airport - where would the money come from? RSP has not demonstrated that it would be capable of supplying the necessary funds. It’s purchase plans have been rejected twice in the past as they had no financial credibility.
  4. Noise and night flights would be detrimental to the area in many ways. No cap on night flights is proposed. This would be intrusive in an area which is a seaside resort with a large number of elderly, retired residents.
  5. Concerns about various types of pollution have not been adequately addressed by the RSP proposal.
  6. Safety questions are a serious concern as the flight paths track over built up residential areas.
  7. There is inadequate road and rail infrastructure to support a cargo airport. The impact of new road building would be detrimental, and existing roads could not handle increased lorry capacity.
  8. A cargo airport would have an appalling impact on this part of the South-East which has potential to grow as a tourist destination. Herne Bay has seen a significant increase in visitors and new inhabitants and Ramsgate, as a Heritage Action Zone has over 400 listed building and 4 conservation areas.
  9. The negative impact on natural habitats and the coastal environment of noise and pollution. We love Ramsgate and want to see it flourish in spite of the financial and social deprivation in this area. A noisy cargo airport would undermine its future and is not needed. Nor do we want to see money wasted on this unnecessary project.