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Representation by Stephanie Flower

Date submitted
17 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I bought a house in Ramsgate 3 years ago when there was no airport. I renovated the Grade 2 listed 1800's house and run it as a Holiday let business bringing in lots of tourists every week. I was planning to move there for my retirement. It is very popular and people love the area, nature, historic buildings and fresh air. I will loose that business and be left with a house worth nothing, in a devastated town, that I could not sell. The compensation funds will not cover the devastation of a town I would loose forecast income every year, the property price, investment. I didn't want to invest in the area when the airport was running as the planes are so close and noisy they come in right over the beach and my house will be under the flight path, Ramsgate is on a hill it is quite shocking how noisy and low the planes were and what is even more shocking is the cargo planes that are proposed are noisier and old. They will decimate the area with the frequency suggested and ruin thousands and thousands of peoples lives with pollution, noise, house movement, vortex ripping roofs off, maybe a crash which would be a national disaster without facilities to cope!! The houses are so so close within km to the end of the runway and now planning permission has been given to houses even closer to the runway. Schools will find it hard to teach the Children with the noise and the plane noise recorder that RSP has placed is away from Ramsagte!! The children's and everyones health will suffer if night flights are allowed. I find the underhand way that the airport has been promoted and the fact that the [Redacted] supporting it and Freudman have a long failed aviation history together quite shocking too! A pro airport group telling locals there will be no night flights ([Redacted]hiding behind stating no scheduled flights but omitting the charter) and saying on leaflets they can travel and it will bring jobs! Well its cargo not passenger and the thousands of jobs lost in the tourism industry way outweighs the jobs that will be offered. There are plenty of airports better situated that already do cargo and have the infrastructure to accommodate. Manston will need hundreds of tankers and lorries everyday that will clog up the area make traffic super congested and even more pollution. 6 independent aviation reports have stated that it is not viable. We have a nature reserve with birds of national significance that would be impacted too and the ecological disaster has been under estimated. I really think that the SHP proposal would be best for the area, keep aviation history alive and create jobs and let Ramsgate recover and prosper like it has been since the airport closed.