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Representation by Mr Ronald Shewen

Date submitted
17 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear sir

I am writing as a resident of Beltinge and Herne Bay

I wish to register my opposition for Manston to be reopened as a airport and freight hub.

I have lived in Beltinge and Hernbay for 13 years and have had first hand experience ofthe noise and pollution caused by the ATMs 2005 to2015 from Manston.

I would like you to take the following points into consideration when looking at RSP/s application.

In view of the considerable impact on Beltinge and Herne Bay of day and night flights (restricted at other airports) I would like the planning inspector to establish the true proposals of RSP. Night flights are included in the application , yet RSP and it’s guest speakers including a localMPcontinue to deny in public that it will happen.

The majority of UK cargo specific flights are night flights. The 17000 cargo flights predicted for Manston would suggest over 8500 night flights? An overall noise quota of 3028 pc points per annum applied for applied for means more than 7500 flights annually = 20 per night. However RSPs environmental assessment bases its worst case assumptions on only 8 flights per night = 2920 per annum,

Noise I would like the planning inspector to assess how accurately RSPs estimates the noise impact on Beltinge and Herne Bay RSPs noise impact assessments 2.4noise mitigation plan are based on average noise; which it is now widely understood does not reflect the true impact on the residents, especially that from frequent night flights. Ina poll conducted in 2012 regarding proposed night flights at Manston 181 Herne Bay residents respond, of whom 150 were against night flights 83% citing noise and lack of sleep as the reason.

I am also concerned to read that RSP proposes to reverse the historic 30:70 split between east and west ends of the runway so that not 30% but70% of flights pass over Beltinge and Herne Bay.

Even given that, the difference claimed by RSP between current average noise and the projected levels ranging from +0.1 to 1.0 dB doesn’t reflect the true impact of the proposal.Over Beltinge and Herne Bay with an aircraft at 24000 feet -at which NATS statistics indicated aircraft noise is at 66-80 dB.

The world healthOrg stats on aircraft noise described moderate community annoyance at a threshold of 50 dB and severe annoyance at55db Add to that the estimate of 20 or more night flights the effect on sleep and daily life, health and education will be more than severe.

Traffic and transport I would like the planning inspector to consider if the application addresses the real extent of impact on local road networks of the proposed scale of operation.The proposal forecasts from 9,903 hgv movements in year 2 to 64,906 by year 20. Yet East Midlands Airport says it has182,500 movements a year and RSP forecasts Manston will handle more freight than East Midlands. The proposal documentation shows.little detailed consideration for additional road capacity.

Economic impact Herne Bay has experienced a significant economic downturn typical of holiday resorts from the sixties onwards becoming a poor relation to Canterbury and Whitstable. In the last 5 years,the resort has seen a marked economic revival thanks to a increasing numbers of day trippers and inward investment in leasure facilities. The new prosperity would be severely damaged by24 hour aircraft noise and extra pollution from road and air.

Yours Sincerely

Mr Ronald Shewen