Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by P Colby

Date submitted
17 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses


Myself and my family have been resident in Thanet since 1986. We have seen Manston 'in action' as an RAF base and as a commercial airport.

I personally have been employed by more than one Manston based business. I am very concerned regarding the proposed Stone Hill Park housing project.

I do not feel this project is in any way a suitable use of the former Airfield. It's too big and will put a considerable strain on the local services and infrustructure. My main concern is regarding the chalk aquifer that lies under the Manston runway. I am not alone. The Environment agency has also put forward its concerns. Please see their comments regarding a previous application: From their communication on the planning portal -

"The former Manston Airport overlies chalk which is classified as a principal aquifer. The site lies in Source Protection Zone 1, 2 and 3 for a public water supply well. This well is located very close to the boundary of the site. From this well, tunnels known as adits have been constructed to increase the flow of water to the well, one of these adits lies underneath the former runway on the site at approximately 35-40 metres below ground level.

Groundwater on the Isle of Thanet is extremely vulnerable to contamination as substances (natural substances and man-made chemicals) are able to pass rapidly through the thin soils and the natural fissures (cracks) in the Chalk rock to the groundwater.

This makes this site incredibly vulnerable to groundwater contamination and therefore appropriate measures must be taken to protect and allow development of the site. The vulnerability of the groundwater will mean that some development and activities may not be suitable in certain locations, for example the location of the special outdoor based recreation area would be better located outside of the SPZ1."

It seems to me the developers have disregarded these concerns. Or will attempt to trivialise them. Which to me could be desasterous for our community as a whole.

Also, as previously stated, as far as I know, Manston has always been an aviation hub. Most of the objections I have heard, to its remaining one, have been from people who have only moved to the area recently (say within 10 years) or are living outside Thanet. Or from those whom have a vested interest in its redevelopment. 'Night flights' seems to be the objection that is most often repeated.

I don't think night flights have ever been a feature of the uses for the airport. When the airport/RAF base was fully operational, night flights were never really a problem. I can say that as a long term Thanet resident, having moved here from London 30+ years ago.

For the past 10 years I have been working in Supply Chain Logistics for a Manston based business. I can assure you that both now and especially after Brexit, Manston International Airport (the cargo hub) will be worth it's weight in gold.

I personally consider the use of Manston Airport as freight hub a considerable asset. The jewel in Thanet's crown.

Kind Regards P Colby