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Representation by Ian Scott

Date submitted
17 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against RSP’s DCO application to reopen Manston as a cargo hub. We moved here because both my wife and I have health problems which would be made worse. I don’t have a pension my house is my only asset which will be devalued affecting my finances in retirement.

The estate we live on is approximately 1.3km from the end of the runway and comprises of about1,000 houses. The centre of Ramsgate a town of 40,000 is only 3.5km. When the airport was open planes were less than 500ft over Nethercourt estate and residents were subjected to excessive noise levels & often covered with unburnt fuel. This put an oily residue on everything and anyone standing outside when a plane went over. You could taste and smell it. There was also antifreeze, brake & tyre dust. This all affected plants & ponds as well as residents

Adverse health problems of living near an airport are well documented & range from heart & lung conditions through to mental health problems due to disturbed sleep. The WHO is very concerned by pollution from airports. Asthma sufferers I have spoken to no longer need an inhaler since the airport shut. Jet engines produce particulates that are taken into your lungs and ultimately your blood stream. It causes developmental problems in growing children. There are 4 schools directly under the flight path and several others in Ramsgate who will be directly affected by noise and pollution. Noise levels of over 90-100db were regularly recorded, classes would stop. You cannot communicate with someone standing next to you, hear the television or make a phone call with noise levels that high. You would not be allowed to work above 85db without ear protection. RSPs proposal to put a noise monitor 6.5km from the runway will put it at sea.

There is the safety aspect of an airport so close to a large community. Why haven’t RSP considered public safety zones with a possible 83,000 ATMs ?

How many night flights are RSP intending? Their application is contradictory.

How do RSP work out the sound levels over Ramsgate? Are they trying to disguise them by averaging? How can they average db levels when ATM’s vary from 10,000 to 83,000 in their application? What are the true figures?

What is the effect on the ecology of the area, on nature reserves and Pegwell an SSSI where a pipeline taking surface water from Manston exits?

Buildings will be damaged by vibration. Houses have had roofs damaged by vortexes.

RSP’s own documentation says it will have a permanent adverse effect on the areas & peoples lives.

RSP’s job forecast seems to have been pulled out of the air. Can they justify those figures in the real world? Thanet has had a big boost in tourism. Many existing jobs will go leading to a net loss. Tourists will no longer visit.

There is also the number of lorries needed to service a freight hub. Local roads will struggle to cope.