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Representation by Martyn Ward

Date submitted
17 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear sir/Madam, without any real representation this is the only way of raising my objection to the building of a housing estate on the manston site. i have lived under the flight path to manston all my life, and never found the planes to be a nuisance, the airport has always been regarded as an asset by the people of thanet along with the port of ramsgate, it's hard to believe with fast speed rail links and the cruise port of dover we our not britains gateway to europe or indeed the world. It's a shame that we don't have a local authority with the vision, imagination or talent to make these assets a real benefit to the people of thanet and the entire country, it seems their vision only stretch's as far as chasing an extra 3 million in council tax and helping lewisham alleviate their housing problem, granting permission for a 20,000 unit housing estate would be a travesty for the people of thanet and a fundamental breach of local democracy