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Representation by Mole Solutions Ltd. (Mole Solutions Ltd.)

Date submitted
18 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In support of the expansion; economic benefits will be enhanced by consideration of: • Mole Freight Pipeline, refer [Redacted]and o [Redacted] • VHST passenger version of Mole technology; as shown on available video of fully automatic demonstration run in July 2016. • Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Pilot less air cargo aircraft, large and smaller capacity electric solar powered, have been demonstrated and will become commercially viable in the near future.

Existing transport situation Straight line distance to London = 100 km Road distance from Manston to central London = 150 km Estimated driving time by road from Ramsgate to central London = 2 hours Rail Passenger journey time Manston/London = 55 min Distance from Manston to M2 motorway = 34 km

Solution to transport situation Access to Manston by existing road and rail network introduces inconvenient delays in the distribution of air cargo and the transportation of airline passengers. The long journey times and delays, which will have an adverse impact on the operations of Manston, can be overcome by a Mole Freight Pipeline of underground twin tunnels with a VHST for passengers direct to/from London. Implementation of this direct transportation system will be in accordance with the phased development and Manston.

• Passenger journey time Manston to London = 15 min, which will make Manston and area a suburb of London. Access to large workforce assured. • Air cargo journey time Manson to London = 30 min • overcomes lack of HGV drivers; refer published research on this increasing problem • no need to carry out extensive/expensive upgrades of existing road and rail

The proposed solution, to the transportation problem, produces no environmental footprint; no great increase in diesel HGVs; no disruption due to upgrading of existing motorways and railways; no increase in noise; no increase in road/rail accident rates and will be independent of adverse weather conditions.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles The growth of this sector will greatly enhance the economic operation of Manston. Operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the UK has been demonstrated, which can operate either as large cargo planes or smaller drone type aircraft. This sector will increase rapidly, owing to the lack of airline pilots, and in particular where smaller drone type aircraft are ideal for operation on "thin" routes, to/from all overseas countries and distribution within the UK. In the foreseeable future such transports will be powered by electrical solar power, which has already been demonstrated. Such craft can operate “silently” at night time.