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Representation by Simon Burbidge

Date submitted
18 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Ramsgate I have grave concerns about the viability of the proposed project and the impact it would have on the people and the environment. Firstly, the increase in noise and air pollution would be substantial. Apart from the general intrusive nature of constant low flying aircraft there are at least three schools situated on the proposed flightpath and the disruption this could cause to the learning environment is substantial. The increase in noise levels and the risk of air pollution from aviation fuel would be detrimental to health. Once the cargo has landed it then has to be distributed using lorries and other pollution creating forms of bulk transport. The road infrastructure struggles to cope with the current levels but if this increases significantly congestion and fuel pollution rise with it. I can not see how the proposed hub could add significantly to the local economy. Ever since the airport ceased functioning in 2014 we have seen a steady , yet significant increase in tourism. As the only Heritage Action Zone in the South East Ramsgate's a significant number of listed sites and buildings and several conservation areas including a flourishing wildlife area at Pegwell. The proposed Cargo hub would have a massive detrimental effect on this.