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Representation by Sandra Milton

Date submitted
18 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Cliffsend since 1992 I feel it is my duty to let you know how much my life will be effected by the development of a cargo hub and night flights at Manston airfield.

Firstly I am concerned about the extra noise of planes landing, taking off and flying very close to my property. Noise of such flights will effect the quality of my life. I will not be able to sit in my garden and enjoy listening to the birds. Nor will I be able to listen to the radio or watch television without interruptions.

Noise from constant movement of road traffic will increase. I am concerned about the quality of my sleep. We all know lack of sleep results in less concentration on tasks, more accidents and less productivity at work.

Air pollution from planes and road transport will be a problem. I already have [Redacted] . I am worried about the effect air pollutants will have on my health. We have a SSI locally- what will be the effects of air and noise pollution on the birds and flora at this reserve? In Cliffsend we have poor quality roads. I am sure they will not be able to cope with extra traffic. The movement of traffic around the Isle of Thanet at times is especially poor. How will residents cope will more slower traffic. Surely this will have an impact on people enjoying their lives and being able to move to and fro their work, home and shopping. I t will also effect the many tourists who visit Thanet. Are we going to have extra road developments because of the cargo hub? If so are we going to loose more of our countryside? Will there be extra rail services to carry goods. If so where and when will these services run? Will there be extra services for the people of Thanet? Any road or rail developments will effect me as I use the local roads and I live close to the rail line at Cliffend. Our local MPS ([Redacted]) do not represent all the people of Thanet. They have a very narrow insight into their constituents needs which is very disappointing. Neither have visited Cliffsend to discuss this matter. They do not live in this area and will not be effected by the noise and air pollution, traffic noise, vibrations and general disturbance. I have many concerns and questions regarding this development at Manston airfield. I hope you will take my concerns on board when making your decision. Yours Sandra Milton.