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Representation by Sue Martin

Date submitted
18 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to make representation against the proposed hub on 3 grounds: the impact on health related to high noise levels; the lack of a business case in the national interest; and the lack of track record of the Partnership in finding the necessary finances or ability to deliver such an ambitious project. I have lived in Ramsgate for over 5 years, directly under the flight path of incoming planes. The noise as they fly over my house is horrendous and brings all conversation to an end. I suffer from [Redacted] and night flights which disturb my sleep will only make my condition worse. I would particularly as you to review the noise levels which will affect Ramsgate if the DCO is granted. I am not aware of any national policy which would justify a cargo hub at Manston in the public interest. There is no justification for a DCO to be granted based on national interest. The case has simply not been made. I am a qualified company secretary and as such would argue that the Partnership has not submitted a robust independent financial business case which is based on demonstrably accurate data. Manston does not have a track record of being a viable cargo site and the Partnership has not answered the many questions which are raised by their submission eg re viability, job creation, transport impact. The Partnership has not identified where the necessary finance would come from; and they have no track record of delivering a viable and sustainable project. the information provided on the investors in the project is unacceptable.