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Representation by Patricia Porritt

Date submitted
18 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Are you really willing to jeopardize the future of local children?

It is a known fact that sleep deprivation is extremely harmful to health especially for children who need to be alert and focused to learn. The WHO have published reports on this subject. (It is also commonly used in torture!) Adults also need to be able to give their best at work.

I have lived in my present home for 40 years and know from experience the difference between being woken at night and unable to get back to sleep and the benefits of a peaceful night’s sleep. Where I live the aircraft are IMMEDIATELY overhead between 246 and 307 metres and the noise is tremendous. If you are in the garden during the day the earth vibrates and so do your inner organs. Healthy? I don’t think so.

I would very much like to know who decided that Manston was of “national importance”. If it is so important why did the government dispose of it in the first place? Every company who has tried to run an airport at Manston has been unsuccessful. How can a company with NO TRACK RECORD AT RUNNING ANYTHING think that they can change all that. The person who I understand will be fronting the business does have a track record - OF FAILURE - actually at Manston!

I also believe that the ultimate destination for any freight taken into Manston is not even in Kent. Therefore, it will have to be taken by road no doubt at least north of the Thames. Heard of the Dartford Crossing? There is no need for more to be said about the dreadful congestion there already. Airports north of the Thames have vacant capacity and should be used. Delivering goods as near to their ultimate destination as possible makes good business sense as any successful organisation will confirm.

There is also the problem of fuel for aircraft. There is no underground service of fuel available. Again it would all have to be delivered to any proposed airport by road.

Pollution is another big problem. Since Manston closed I have not had to constantly clean tiny black spots from my white window frames. I can’t believe that we were all unknowingly inhaling this poison substance.

The local roads are already congested enough without having dozens of heavy goods vehicles adding to the problem. The condition of many of the roads also needs to be taken into account. KCC are always saying there are not enough funds to keep them in proper safe condition especially when we have wet/frosty winters.