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Representation by Peter Bateson

Date submitted
19 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to the granting of a DCO for Manston Airport. I and my family have lived for 9 years in Ramsgate, directly under the approach path to Manston, so I remember the noise and disruption of the flights coming in the day to land. The current proposal is asking for an increase in the number of flights and to introduce night flights! This would be absolutely horrendous for the local inhabitants, and would stop the current development of Ramsgate. I have personal experience of a night flight landing when staying with relatives just outside Brussels, Belgium. It was absolutely terrifying to be woken up in the early hours, thinking a plane was about to land on the roof! I would not be able to subject my family to it! My children are aged [Redacted] and go to schools under the flight path of Manston. They would be subjected to noise, pollution and severe disruption everyday of their lives. It would affect their education and have long term implications for their health. I work freelance, and my very often on the road at 4.30am, I can only do this knowing that I will get an uninterupted nights sleep. I have spent a lot of money restoring our home, and we spend all our spare money in the area. We would have to leave this beautiful seaside port town and find somewhere new to live. The area has experienced a lot of change since the closure of Manston. It has been discovered to have a huge amount of potential for tourism, leisure and as a great place in which to live and bring up a family. This has then brought in more business, and so the local economy continued to grow. All this potential would be lost for the sake of an airport that the country doesn't need, that is in the wrong location, and has never been, nor ever will be, a viable business.