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Representation by Dr Philip Shotton

Date submitted
19 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am registering for two principal reasons: 1) this is NOT an application of National Strategic Importance and therefore completely unsuited to the DCO process, and 2) that the loss of amenity, jobs, quality of life and the associated pollution (noise, jet exhaust, aviation fuel etc) in Thanet should preclude any idea that this airport should ever be reopened.

I am a resident of Ramsgate directly under the flight path less than 2 miles from the eastern end of the runway. My considerable enjoyment of Ramsgate and its environs will be dramatically curtailed by the noise, pollution, heavy traffic and other considerable environmental impacts.

  1. There is no National Interest justification for this application. Freight aviation demand is flat (Department of Transport figures) and in any case cargo is increasingly carried in passenger planes. The application selectively (mis)quote from specialist research from York Aviation that indicates the anticipated freight demand to be flat over many years. Manston airport is in the wrong part of the country to be a useful cargo hub; there is no indication that the applicants have investigated other more suitable airports that are available for purchase. No other significant airport in Britain has runway and flightpaths so close to major habitation. The application fails to make any compelling case of National Interest. I believe that this application is a naked attempt at a land grab – if successful in their application the applicants will forcibly purchase a large brownfield site that already has a significant planning application for much-needed housing and services, spend a small amount of money going through the motions of reopening an airport before declaring it unviable and instead developing housing on the site. Key individuals within the applicant organisation have a history of converting failed airports to housing development. I urge the Inspectorate to closely examine the economic viability claims and sources of funding.

  2. Thanet has experienced a renaissance in tourism in recent years since the airport was last operational. An incomer to Ramsgate, I was drawn by the beauty of the area, its outstanding architecture, a successful marina facility (I am a recreational sailor) and the general peace and good feeling of the area. My wife and I have spent nearly 3 years restoring a Victorian property to be our family home, investing heavily in the local economy. We also have plans to develop a rental business supporting the increase in tourism. Reopening Manston as a cargo hub would have a devastating impact on our plans, our finances and peace of mind. There are many like us who have invested significantly in Thanet and whose investments will be eroded if not destroyed by a reopened airport. Aircraft will be flying around 200 metres above our house, day and night. We will be subjected to very significant levels of noise. Independent noise experts conclude that as many as 30,000 people will be within the 85 dB(A) contour. The applicant’s noise modelling does not conform to the standards necessary for development of a new airport. There is also confusion over night flights. The applicant claims not to want or need night flights, but the application proposes significant levels of night flight with a high noise quotient. I urge the Inspectors to look carefully at noise predictions, road traffic impact of both freight transport and the necessary fuel tanker deliveries, and the impact on people’s health and amenity – not to mention safety with so many dwellings under the immediate flight-path.

500 words is not sufficient to even outline all the issues with this application. I trust in the Inspectors to probe fully into this flawed application and come to the correct decision.