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Representation by Southern Gas Networks PLC (Southern Gas Networks PLC)

Date submitted
20 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs

The Re-Opening of Manston Airport, Kent Application for a Development Consent Order

We write, on behalf of Southern Gas Networks PLC (“Southern Gas”), in response to the application made by Riveroak Strategic Partners Limited (“Riveroak”) for a Development Consent Order (“the DCO”) which shall, if granted, facilitate those works concerning the redevelopment of the Manston Airport, Kent (“the Works”).

Southern Gas would ask that the Planning Inspectorate note that Southern Gas is the company responsible for the management of the network that is used to distribute gas to homes and business across the South East of England. Southern Gas is concerned that Riveroak’s application, for the DCO, and the consequential implementation of the Works, might adversely affect this said infrastructure thereby adversely affecting Southern Gas’ ability to secure a supply of gas to premises in the vicinity of Manston Airport, Kent.

Southern Gas has reviewed the area of land, which will form the subject of the DCO, and can confirm that there is gas infrastructure lying thereunder/thereon ("the Gas Infrastructure"). Southern Gas can provide the Planning Inspectorate with a plan, which will show the location of the Gas Infrastructure, As such Southern Gas wishes to register an objection, given the interaction between the DCO and the Gas Infrastructure, to Riveroak’s application for a DCO.

Southern Gas would be grateful if the Planning Inspectorate would provide details of those arrangements (if any), made by Riveroak, with a view to ensuring that the Gas Infrastructure is protected during the implementation of the Works due to be carried out following the grant of the DCO.

We trust that SGN’s position is clear.

Yours faithfully

Tristan Wright

On behalf of Southern Gas Network PLC’s Legal Services