Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Janet Avery

Date submitted
20 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

MANSTON OPENING AS A CARGO AIRPORT WILL BE A TRAGEDY FOR RAMSGATE. Cargo planes 24/7 . Lorries carrying cargo. Homes will be ruined. Would the company reinforce rooves and install triple glazing ? I have spoken to people who want the will be great to go on holiday they said..Did you use the airport last time I, but it was handy it was there. I asked others... out of 10 people.. 2 used it once !!!! People will travel down here to use the passenger planes I have been told. Cargo lorries travelling on our roads will make it hard for them to get to and from the airport, the roads will be chaos. I have been told we don't want houses because of the type of people it would bring to our town !!!! Surely houses, a manufacturing business park, surf lake. swimming pool, heritige attractions will bring many jobs for the locals, and bring tourists to our town, much more than the airport. When the airport was open before there were only a handful of people needed to work there. People need the final decision to be made not to open the airport, so they can get on with with their lives, without a constant threat hanging over their heads. PLEASE, I beg of you do not open Manston as an airport again, it will ruin so many lives. THANK YOU for taking the time to read this.