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Representation by Susan Edwards

Date submitted
20 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

PLEASE HELP, YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE. I cannot express strongly enough,how much opening Manston airport to night cargo flights is going to affect and ruin the lives of the people who live closest to it. I,for one,was a nervous wreck the last time the airport had cargo night flights. It is like a sonic boom exploding as the plane passes overhead. It shocks you awake.Your heart thumps in your chest.You try to calm down while your heart is beating ten to a dozen.You can still hear the plane as it nears the runway and then roar as it lands.All the while your heart is still racing.You try to calm down,try to sleep but you are waiting for the next explosion..............Exhaustion eventually overtakes your body then BOOM, another plane and the whole nightmare begins again. Is this what we should expect every single night? Night flights especially cargo night flights are detrimental to the health of every man,woman and child living in the vicinity and to the buildings in which we live, work, play and shop. We worked and saved hard to buy a nice home to spend our final years living in a quiet seaside town ony to discover we are threatened with the prospect of our homes falling about us because of falling rooves and either dieing of a heart attack or stroke through hypertension. I beg of you to please consider our welfare by not agreeing to this abomination. Thank you for taking the time to read this plea of desperation. Yours in anticipation, Sue Edwards.