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Representation by Dennis Hyde

Date submitted
21 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in Ramsgate all my working life. I have seen the stead decline of my home town from a thriving one to a poverty stricken third world one. The main reason for this state of affairs is the lack of jobs.We have lost in the region of 25,000 good paying jobs in Thanet over the last 20 years. If we stand any chance of surviving the coming years Manston Airport must be given the chance to bring back some prosperity to Thanet. We have plenty of land for new houses without ruining a perfectly good airport and what are these new people going to do ? With one of the highest unemployment rates in Great Briton they better be all retired. It has never made any sense to me to spend billions on third runways when Manston has so much to offer. Please do something for Save Thanet.

Regards Mr.Hyde