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Representation by Kevin Pressland

Date submitted
21 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Ramsgate for 5 years this November coming I see the potential of Ramsgate and indeed Thanet as a whole. The proposal for a Cargo hub at the old Manston Airport will damage the area in a multitude of ways. Noise levels will impact Ramsgate and other coastal towns, tourism viability will be damaged in what is a developing and increasingly vibrant community in Ramsgate. The area has been impacted by neglect since the early 1970's and is now seeing a revival, I believe this revival will be negatively impacted by re-opening of the airport even as a Cargo hub with noise , pollution and vehicular movement and likely road changes will further blight the area. River Oak the proposer for the development has a notoriously bad record this also does not baud well. The predicted employment is questionable and I believe most who would be employed would not be local people but skilled people in the aviation sector apart from trivial jobs. The TDC have a commitment to develop sites for future housing, and I believe with careful thought a big % of this housing could be achieved on the Manston Airport site. Thought and not creating a sprawl with living landscapes through this and necessary infrastructure this would benefit the area more and create more jobs both short and long term and take pressure of other surrounding countryside whilst enhancing biodiversity within the site. I understand Department of Transport figures show there is no commercial need for additional Cargo hubs in the UK The area deserves real support and using its wonderful coastal assets to increase tourism is a key. The Pegwell National Nature Reserve has 9 designations of conservation, these will be impacted by aviation movements particularly in relation to birdlife. Particular concern is the presence of wading birds, which are especially vulnerable to disturbance as they have limited periods to feed on the mudflats each day due to tides. The scientific research paper, “Exploring behavioural responses of shorebirds to impulsive noise indicates that increasing levels of disturbance directly impact breeding and overwintering success of wading birds With the new plans submitted by RSP for the total redevelopment of the airport (with a stated theoretical maximum number of 83,000 flight movements ATMs) annually and a planned target of 17,000 ATMs) the safe supply of aviation fuel to the airport becomes an important issue for the community at large. Drainage from the proposed development will be via an existing outfall pipe directly into the sea at Pegwell Bay. Whilst RSP have stated that pollutants, including hydrocarbons (oil and fuel) and de-icer will be removed in a ‘dirty pond’ prior to discharge down to Pegwell Bay, there is no detail provided. As spillages could occur at any point on the hardstanding (aprons, taxiways & runway) it is unclear how they will ensure that rain falling onto the site which currently discharges directly into Pegwell Bay will be kept free from pollutants. NO to this proposal Please