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Representation by Brenda Jones

Date submitted
21 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am extremely concerned about the noise levels that River Oak Strategic Partners seem to need, when Heathrow who is the largest of our airports does not have these noise levels. Also a major concern is night flights , it would seem there is no plans for a cap on Manston where most other airports have a cap. Pollution is the other problem, not only we will have to suffer the pollution the planes give, but the pollution of the many lorry’s that will be using the A299, bringing and taking the goods away. The A299 is only a dual carriageway and will not be able to cope with so much traffic, this road is the only way out of this area for all of us that live here. I would like you to answer me on these questions. Why do they need a higher noise level than Heathrow when it should be nowhere near.? Why is there not a cap on night flights, when there is on Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted and many others? What are you going to do about the A299 that won’t cope? And lastly , what are you going to say to the people you make ill with pollution and noise, are you going to say ( having an airport is more important than your health )?