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Representation by Steve Howe

Date submitted
22 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my concerns about the paucity of public engagement by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) regarding the western approach to Manston runway. Mapping provided in consultation documents and displayed at public events stops short of showing affected areas beyond Herne Bay. It was observed during the time that the airport was in operation aircraft on final approach were banking to line up on the vector line and throttle adjustments at this point generated considerably more noise than that predicted. Areas affected extend much further to the west than shown on the limited flight-path mapping provided in the application. A second aspect of concern is the ability of Thanet ambulance and hospital resources to cope with a major medical incident generated by an aircraft accident. Both the local hospital and ambulance trusts are currently in special measures, with the second worst A&E performance in England. There is a reliance on hospitals in Greater London to provide burns and poly-trauma care to the East Kent population and evacuation from the Isle of Thanet would prove problematical. Finally, I have concerns about the lack of appropriate challenge of RSP's proposals from my local MP, who seems to have become an ambassador for this commercial enterprise while holding public office. This is particularly concerning considering the lack of clarity regarding the governance and accountability of RSP.