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Representation by Deborah Ann Nuttall

Date submitted
23 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to object to RiverOak Strategic Partner's (RSP) proposals for a 24/7 cargo hub at Manston Airport on behalf of myself and 2 children. We have lived in Ramsgate for over 15 years and remember with horror the cargo planes thundering over our house, the whole building (grade 2 listed) shook. The planes were at such a close level we could see the pilot in his cockpit. Under RSP's proposals their 'worst' prediction of 17,000 air traffic movements annually and no cap on night flights is a serious cause for concern. I am fearful for my families health due to the pollution levels soaring with this number of flights. Our quality of life would be harmed as we would not be able to hear each other speaking in or out of our garden. Games and family get-togethers would suffer with so many flights and the horrendous noise they cause. There is also the worry of concentration on schoolwork and student studies being adversely affected due to noise and volume of movements. Not to mention lack of sleep due to night flights. I would re-iterate RSP's proposals should not be allowed to devastate family life, well-being and health of so many families in Ramsgate.