Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Lee Booth

Date submitted
25 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the application by RSP for DCO on the former Manston site as it simply isn’t in the National interest of The country.

It would blight an area with prosperous future as a marina town which has already developed since the last airline closed. This application will also delay further the planned development of the site by the current owners to provide the much needed employment both in construction and eternity. This DCO is on the back of a failed CPO.

This RSP application does not guarantee or even give solid details of where the jobs they promise will come from. We need housing, jobs, leisure, industrial and not a dirty cargo hub.

If this is agreed, the additional traffic will snarl up the already congested major roads to London.

Past airlines have failed at this airport leaving residents out of pocket and some stranded abroad.

Manston is on the far extremes of Kent. There are many airports surrounding London and the midlands that have both the capacity and the geographic situation to meet any cargo needs.

This venue is not needed and wastes crucial time for residents who wish to see jobs created ASAP and much needed housing.