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Representation by Jason Booth

Date submitted
26 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs,

I wish to state my opposition to the application by RSP for DCO on the Manston site.

Given the thriving marina and beach resort this application is of no National interest and will cause economic disaster in this area and across north east Kent.

• I choose to live here for health reasons. Reference the World Health Organisation documented health risk for both noise and pollution from airports. I work in and around Thanet and travel up and down the A299, M2 and A2. It is already heavily congested with constant snarl ups that there is a Facebook page so that we can at least prepare for siting in tragic for hours in excess of journeys and let our customers know. • Sir Roger Gail cites the heath risks to residents near Heathrow • He has failed to speak out to protect the residents of Ramsgate despite not being an elected MP for South Thanet where Manston is situated. • The amount of freight traffic will impact the already badly congested routes out of Thanet as far as the Dartford crossing • The local economy will change as businesses are already threatening to with draw and some to return to London. • It will drive away visitors to the Marina and beaches that have prospered since the failure of the last airline • There is a documented history of consistent failure of airlines run from the Manston site • We need housing which the current owner is awaiting planning permission for. This includes additional leisure, industrial units and a historical museum. All of which will increase the economy in this area. • Rents in London are high and the housing here will free areas of London for development • The current plans submitted to Thanet District Council will reduce the need for many commuters as the planned business units will provide for them locally • The planned housing on Manston site can be increase eventually to meet the governments plan for housing. • The current owners have plans which would meet national interests whilst acknowledging and promoting the good health of the local residents

‘World Health Organisation (WHO), noise is the second largest environmental cause of health problems, just after the impact of air quality (particulate matter)’

RSP lied to us at their consultation meeting saying there would be no night flights. Their application to the inspectorate stars differently.

I wish to object to this application