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Representation by Lindsey Harris

Date submitted
26 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my very strong opposition to the proposed reopening of Manston airport under the plans submitted by RiverOak.

The noise pollution and environmental pollution would hugely affect local residents like myself and my family. The proposal confirms there would be significant aircraft activity, including night flights, of cargo planes flying low over residential areas which would be hugely damaging to our quality of life and our health. Study after study show that aircraft noise significantly impacts health. In addition the application proposes to accept night flights rated QC4 which are prohibited from London airports on noise grounds. Particulate pollution from the proposed freight hub would be damaging for the health of all residents. NO2 is a human carcinogen.

I fear for the impact on my children who attend a local school. Studies have shown that noise pollution and disturbed sleep severely impacts concentration and learning. The noise impact of daytime aircraft would make teaching in their school extremely difficult.

I am concerned about the safety of regularly flying freight aircraft over residential homes and schools.

I question the viability of and need for a freight hub as the airport has failed under 3 previous owners since which time the number of freight flights has substantially decreased.