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Representation by Georgia Tidey

Date submitted
27 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As it is not In the National interest my objections to the RSPs application for a DCO are;

  1. The ‘Need’ in the public interest is not founded by RSPs submission and this should be robustly examined
  2. The underpinning needs of the local community will be met by the current owners SHP bringing much needed jobs and prosperity to the residents and further afield. RSP has no track record to evidence this, bit the current owners do.
  3. The combination of the current owners planning which is awaiting consent along with the proposed Marina resort will bring businesses and housing to a Thanet. Those residents/businesses who cannot afford the rates and rents in London are already moving to this area, thus allowing for superior development in the capital attracting, big money, investors and post Brexit opportunities to both areas. The inspectorate need to examine The bigger picture as this DCO will hinder what is really in the national interests. Both areas, Thanet and London do not need RSPs proposal.
  4. [Redacted] who clearly didn’t want Heathrow expansion in his grandsons back yard, citing risk to health has failed to show the Salem support or care for Thanet constituents. The inspectorate should investigate any submission by him to support RSP.
  5. Nor does Kent and London need the added congestion on the A299, M2 and A2 as freight is transported from Manston. More lorries will automatically increase the risk of road traffic incidents and just one incident at the Dartford tunnel area can gridlock Kent and Essex as it has done in the past. It’s ridiculous. Has highway Kent been involved in this proposal? Please examine.
  6. Health of the communities living and working and studying under and near the proposed flight path with be affected negatively. This will lead to increase risks of stroke at a time when the local stroke unit is being transferred away from Thanet to West Kent. This already takes patients crucial minutes outside of receiving vital emergency assessment so that incorrect treatment is administered. Add to this freight congestion day and night as stated by RSP and more lives will be lost.
  7. RSPs application needs to examined in light of the NHS closure of strokes services. There will be none in East Kent. [Redacted ]supports that closure. Please investigate that in conjunction with that as they are interlinked and will exacerbate the risk to residents.
  8. Increased cost to the Struggling NHS, treating illness due to sleep deprivation and air pollution.
  9. No wealth would ensue as promised by RSP as previous failing airline jobs were so low paid and insignificant, it had no negative affect to the local economy when each airline failed. In fact tourism has inflated and the area is flourishing again with plans of a Marina resort.