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Representation by Helen Crittenden

Date submitted
28 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the health and environmental impact of a cargo hub at Manston in Ramsgate, Kent. I recall the smell of fuel and pollution while standing in my father's garden in Ramsgate when Manston was used as a passenger airport a few years ago. He had to keep the doors and windows closed even in the summer heat, and could not use the garden, because of both the pollution and noise. This was during the daytime.

For myself I am concerned about the long term health impact of night flights over Ramsgate. This is because of the sleep disturbance and knowing that sleep deprivation is a contributory factor in a wide range of conditions such as dementia, diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular disease, etc, particularly at this time having just heard the news that our stroke unit is being closed and transferred to a hospital almost an hour's drive away by ambulance. At nearly 60 I am already suffering from some degree of [Redacted] and fear that this will be made much worse by the night-time noise pollution.

We already have significantly poorer health outcomes due to poverty and deprivation, and this will worsen the situation for local residents. Evidence has shown that children's achievements in school are harmed by proximity to airport noise and pollution. Local children's education is already harmed by the high levels of deprivation in this area, the impact of a cargo hub can only worsen this.