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Representation by Anatole Franklin

Date submitted
28 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am father of two small children ([Redacted]) and have lived in Ramsgate most of my life. While I have no objections against Manston airport being used for recreational aviation, I am strongly opposed to RSP’s development of a cargo or commercial airport at the Manston site. I have considerable concerns about the detrimental effects of regular daytime and night-time flights on my family’s health, well-being and quality of life as a result of noise pollution and air pollution and believe the impact of a cargo hub has been incorrectly assessed and played down in RSP’s application. Airplane noise and air pollution are known to negatively affect children’s learning and education; both my sons are or will be attending schools underneath the proposed flight path. Sleep disturbances caused by night flights would further disrupt my children’s development and our well-being, with serious potential negative outcomes on my family’s health and quality of life. Comparative burden of disease studies demonstrate that air pollution is the primary environmental cause of disability adjusted life years lost (DALYs) . Environmental noise is ranked second in terms of DALYs in Europe, and the DALYs attributed to noise were more than those attributed to lead, ozone and dioxins. Moreover, while brief exposures to detrimental environmental factors such as loud noises and ambient air pollutants elevate blood pressure acutely, over the long term, chronic exposure is capable of promoting the development of sustained hypertension . Environmental noise exposure, such as road traffic and aircraft noise, is associated with a range of health outcomes in children . Children demonstrate annoyance responses to noise, and noise is also related to lower well-being and stress responses, such as increased levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. There is growing evidence for an association with increased hyperactivity symptoms. My partner works from home 2 days per week; disruption of her work due to airplane noise would mean she would have to work in the London office instead, to the detriment of our family unit (as my children and I would see her less) and our finances (owing to the additional commuting costs). Once both my children are in school, I plan to return to work and was also hoping to work at home, which may not be feasible. Another negative impact on my family’s finances from a cargo airport at Manston would be the loss of value to our home, which is directly under the flight path. I also believe that the on-going regeneration that has been visible over the past 5 years would be halted abruptly or even reversed. Moreover, I have witnessed many attempts to make Manston airport viable over the past 40 years, none of which have been successful; its geographical location at one end of the country makes it a logistical nightmare for moving cargo and is likely going to have a significant negative impact on road structures and traffic, which has not been taken into account by RSP. In conclusion, the increased road traffic from freight lorries coupled with the noise and air pollution generated by a new Manston cargo airport, would have a significant negative impact on the health of near-by residents, including heightening overall cardiovascular risk. For residents underneath the flight path in particular, which my family is, in addition to the health-related problems, this project would also bring substantial financial loss, as house values are likely to decrease with the advent of such an airport. We therefore strongly oppose the development and use of Manston airport, and the re-initiation of cargo or commercial flights to and from the hub. Finally, RSP seems not to have a credible long-term business plan or financial backing and has presented a flawed application lacking critical evidence, raising serious doubts about their suitability as a developer.

  1. Stansfeld SA. Noise Effects on Health in the Context of Air Pollution Exposure. Int J Environ Res Public Health 12, 12735-60 (2015).
  2. Brook RD. The Environment and Blood Pressure. Cardiol Clin. 35, 213-221 (2017).
  3. Stansfeld S, Clark C. Health Effects of Noise Exposure in Children. Curr Environ Health Rep. 2, 171-8 (2015).
  4. Vienneau, D. et al. Years of life lost and morbidity cases attributable to transportation noise and air pollution: A comparative health risk assessment for Switzerland in 2010. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 218, 514-21 (2015).