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Representation by Stephen John Waller

Date submitted
30 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam My representation is short and to the point. I have lived under a flight path to Heathrow airpor,t in Twickenham and believe me, no-one, other than those who can sleep through anything can say that their lives have not been adversely affected by the continuous nightmare of low-flying aircraft. Sleep deprivation has well-known physical and mental implications which are adequately reported in numerous journals. You never, ever get used to the sound. Those responsible for this farcical plan will not be living on the flight path and under no circumstances should inflict this 'project' on those who do. What about the UK government's commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and related global issues? Do the government really believe that this project is in compliance with their own agenda? Of course, not. An airport of the type proposed will only cause totally unnecessary environmental problems. The type of cargo envisaged is apparently fruit and vegetables and produce from overseas. How can this sit comfortably with the government's support of the ' Garden of England' together with massive investments all to be wasted as the market will be flooded with cheaper produce. House prices will plummet. Will a cheaper avocado compensate for not being able to sell a house. Would a cheaper avocado bring in more money to cash-strapped councils than property taxes both residential as well as business. Finally, the misconception that a project such as this will create jobs and investment borders on the ridiculous. People employed will amount to a relatively few and there is no guarantee that they will be local, wages will be low and the risk to other established businesses closing will be high. All in all I find little evidence to suggest that this project will benefit, Thanet, the people, the authorities or the government. Of course companies registered overseas and CEO's living far from the airport will benefit......the only people who will. In 2018, people should be entitled to sleep, study, work and relax, in peace. Thanet at long last is beginning to flourish a miracle some say, what a shame to destroy all that hard work.