Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Michael Redmond

Date submitted
30 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The airport will encourage entrepreneurship and business opportunities. It will become a magnet for relatable businesses that benefit from exporting high value products that an airport cargo hub provides.
  2. To provide a high number of quality, skilled jobs such as pilot training, warehousing, engineering, cabin staff etc to local, young people who deserve this opportunity.
  3. Create wealth for the wider community of East Kent and Kent and Sussex in general.
  4. An airport has always been in Thanet in my lifetime and we love it. It protects the area from the continual urban sprawl that typifies London dormitories, so that Thanet retains its own unique characteristics.
  5. To provide convenient, cheap passenger flights, without the time constraints and delays of major airports. These would also encourage incoming tourist numbers which Thanet is renowned for.