Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Lesley Robertson

Date submitted
30 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I should like to see Manston Airport open for business, for cargo and later passenger travel as soon as possible. This area is crying out for employment and investment. Thanet needs Manston Airport, properly developed with huge investment and the skilled and well-paid jobs and education opportunities that go along with such a project and which are so badly needed in Thanet. Good links with Educational establishments locally and also skilled training which would be available, will be a positive and welcomed investment in the young people of Thanet particularly.
Through various published works and particularly in the intense research that has taken place, particularly in RiverOak Stratetic Partners' submission reports, it has been shown that a cargo and later passenger airport at Manston has huge potential for success. The report states that upwards of 20,000 jobs could be created in the future; in a region of high unemployment and deprivation.
A cargo airport at Manston would relieve pressure on both Heathrow and Gatwick Airports. This will be particularly essential after Brexit when we will need extra cargo capacity to forge our links with the rest of the world.

The loss of this airport has affected not only Thanet but it has affected people in Kent in general. To get to Heathrow or Gatwick from East Kent travellers, much additional pollution is added on this time-consuming journey The Local plans purports to “Support the sustainable development and regeneration of Manston Airport to enable it to function as a local regional airport” In a recent vote, the overwhelming majority of Thanet District Council voted to keep Manston as an airport.
I maintain That the return of aviation to Manston can only be a positive and forward-looking decision and one that should be taken with all speed for the good of the people of Thanet and also the rest of the country.