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Representation by Susan Fitzell

Date submitted
1 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the planning application that would permit cargo flights from mansion airport hub. I believe this would be environmentally damaging to the area due to the type of older less efficient planes used for this type of work. The area is densely populated and could have a detrimental affect on the health of its populous with pollution, coupled with the demographic of an already struggling area health compromised area due to high levels of poverty. The night flights will be environmentally invasive and cause sleep disturbance to the local residence particularly in the villages and Ramsgate. When I lived in Minster my pets and children would be distressed by the noise of the jets. I would hate to see this awful tirade inflicted in residents needlessly. There is not one positive point that I can see from having a cargo hub in the area as it will provide a potential of fewer jobs as other options already objected to. This are the reasons I object in the strongest form.