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Representation by Mr Michael Holton

Date submitted
1 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Living on Nethercourt just 1.75km from the end of the runway I am extremely concerned about the health implications of having planes flying over my house at 135m high 24/7/365. There are not only pollution issues but noise and safety issues that do not seem to been taken seriously by RSP in their application. Having lived here all my life I have experienced the airport in all its previous forms and know that many homes and schools will be much more badly affected than stated. Normal daily life has to pause when a plane flies over so children will have education disrupted. Sleeping with low level flights is impossible. Even if you don’t wake up it has been proved that the noise affects health. Consultations told us there would be no night flights but application has QC of 3028 and no cap on numbers. Life would be intolerable for myself and my family and all Nethercourt and most Ramsgate residents. I don’t agree with a DCO being used by a private company to remove land from its legitimate owners. The applicants themselves worry me. They have no successful track record in aviation. They have no confirmed funding or customers and hide behind an offshore company. [Redacted] has a dishonest past having been [Redacted] and multiple failures in his other enterprises. I don’t think that a cargo airport at Manston is needed as forecasts show low growth in freight, if it was it would have been successful in the past. To succeed they would need to win most of the UKs existing routes from other airports such as East Midlands – unlikely. They would need to spend vast amounts to compensate existing owners and set up the operation meaning only a massive enterprise could generate enough return to pay investors. If demand is not there where will the money come from? What happens if the airport fails again? I think their ultimate goal is to get the land for housing. As I understand it RSP must show they have considered other options / locations? Are there no empty ex MOD sites in a more central location and away from population that could be used?